Conducted in Mandarin with key words in English
与新加坡国家档案馆 (NAS) 口述历史中心 (OHC) 顾问高丽莲女士一起参加为期半天的研讨会,参与者将了解什么是口述历史,以及其制作过程,包括访谈技巧。与会者还有机会聆听SoundscapeSG 的简短演讲 – 一个旨在通过声音地图为子孙后代保存新加坡声音的项目。
Join us for a half-day workshop with Mrs Kiang-Koh Lai Lin, a consultant from Oral History Centre (OHC) of the National Archives of Singapore (NAS), followed by a short talk on SoundscapeSG – a project that aims to preserve the sounds of Singapore via a sound map for future generations. In this workshop, participants will learn what oral history is and its process, including interview techniques.
Registration closing date: 21 Dec 2022
Lunch will be provided from 12:30pm onward
*Please not that the minimum age to participate in this workshop is 16 years old.